Our pro­ducts

Tail­o­red solu­ti­ons for indi­vi­du­al requirements.

Fin­ding a solu­ti­on to your mixing pro­blem is our goal: we deve­lop, manu­fac­tu­re, sell and ser­vice machi­nes for mixing, stir­ring, kne­a­ding and fil­ling. For effi­ci­ent pro­ces­ses in your pro­duc­tion ope­ra­ti­ons. As your relia­ble part­ners, we can suc­cessful­ly imple­ment requi­re­ments in diver­se appli­ca­ti­on areas.

For ever­y­thing from low-vis­co­si­ty to extre­me­ly high-vis­co­si­ty pro­ducts – whe­ther in the con­s­truc­tion indus­try, cos­me­tics or the che­mi­cal indus­try: we offer you top qua­li­ty and out­stan­ding ser­vice. This is what has made us a lea­ding manu­fac­tu­rer of pro­ces­sing machi­nes and apparatuses.

Pla­ne­ta­ry mixers

  • With 2 mixing blades
  • With 3 mixing blades
  • Pla­ne­ta­ry dissolvers

As a powerful ver­ti­cal kne­a­der, our pla­ne­ta­ry mixer is excep­tio­nal­ly well sui­ted to pro­ces­sing of high­ly vis­cous to pla­s­tic mate­ri­als. It is thus ide­al for the pro­duc­tion of adhe­si­ves and sealants, put­ty and coa­ting com­pounds, sili­co­nes, rub­ber, oint­ments, moul­ding com­pounds and fil­ling com­pounds. The rota­ting mixing bla­de that works accor­ding to the pla­ne­ta­ry prin­ci­ple in com­bi­na­ti­on with the scra­per avo­ids dead zones and nes­t­ing in the mixing cham­ber. Becau­se the machi­nes can also pro­du­ce under a vacu­um, out­stan­ding pro­duct qua­li­ty is guaranteed. 
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Ver­si­ons with two or three wing or spi­ral blades and/or scra­pers are available. During mixing the pla­ne­ta­ry mixers super­im­po­se two rota­tio­nal move­ments and at the same time the mixing blades move in an orbit around them­sel­ves. This results in uni­form and com­ple­te mixing of the mate­ri­al in the stir­ring vessel.

ATEX is a widely used synonym for the ATEX directives of the European Union. ‘ATEX’ is an acronym derived from the French term ‘ATmosphères EXplosives’.
Two mixing blades are requi­red for mixing of high­ly vis­cous mate­ri­als and three are requi­red for kne­a­ding of pas­te media or degas­sing. Pla­ne­ta­ry dis­sol­vers are capa­ble of pro­ces­sing low-vis­­co­­si­­ty pro­ducts and thus enab­ling fas­ter incor­po­ra­ti­on and disper­si­on of fil­ler mate­ri­als. With fur­ther com­bi­na­ti­ons, e.g. with a but­ter­fly mixing bla­de, low-vis­­co­­si­­ty to high-vis­­co­­si­­ty pro­ducts can be incor­po­ra­ted with simul­ta­neous ultra-fine dispersion.
In an all-stain­­less steel ver­si­on, the vacu­um pla­ne­ta­ry mixer can also be used in the food indus­try, for exam­p­le, for the gent­le mixing of salads.
A fur­ther important aspect is the sus­taina­bi­li­ty of the pro­cess: becau­se the pla­ne­ta­ry mixer is desi­gned for use with exch­an­geable tanks, it can be used in com­bi­na­ti­on with an extru­der for resi­­due-free emptying. 

Tech­ni­cal data­sheet pla­ne­ta­ry mixer


  • Wall-moun­ted dissolver
  • Stand-moun­ted dissolver
  • But­ter­fly mixer
  • Tank dis­sol­ver

The Grie­ser high-per­for­mance dis­sol­vers are ide­al for disper­si­on, de-agglo­me­ra­ti­on, homo­ge­nisa­ti­on, sus­pen­si­on, dis­so­lu­ti­on and adjus­t­ment of free-flowing bat­ches. The inter­play bet­ween mass acce­le­ra­ti­on and fric­tion yields the opti­mal pro­duct-spe­ci­fic shear rate.

Bes­i­des offe­ring indi­vi­du­al machi­nes, we can also plan and build com­ple­te sys­tems, dra­wing on our solid expe­ri­ence in the field of pro­duc­tion chains.

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Dis­sol­ver as wall‑mounted, stand‑mounted or tank dis­sol­ver or but­ter­fly mixer

A powerful mixing effect is achie­ved in the dis­sol­ver through the tried and tes­ted coor­di­na­ti­on of mixing bla­de geo­me­try, rota­tio­nal speed and tank dimen­si­ons. A lar­ge cir­cu­la­ting volu­me ensu­res quick incor­po­ra­ti­on of the solids. De-agglo­­me­ra­­ti­on, dis­so­lu­ti­on, disper­si­on, emul­si­on, homo­ge­nisa­ti­on and adjus­t­ment of free-flowing bat­ches are the main tasks of our dis­sol­vers. With the vacu­um dis­sol­ver ver­si­on, the ran­ge of appli­ca­ti­ons is even wider. Apart from de-aer­a­­ti­on of the pro­duct, extre­me­ly homo­ge­neous mixing and thus a much hig­her qua­li­ty can be achie­ved with it. Typi­cal are­as of appli­ca­ti­on are the pro­duc­tion of paints and var­nis­hes, pri­mers, prin­ting inks, adhe­si­ves, coa­tings, creams and ointments.

The space-saving wall dis­sol­ver vari­ant is redu­ced to the mixing func­tion and can be used with a dri­ve power of up to 15 kW. At low speeds, other mixing tasks can also be per­for­med with the cor­re­spon­ding mixing blades. Adjus­ta­ble clam­ping jaws can accom­mo­da­te mixing tanks with dif­fe­rent dia­me­ters as well as drums and IBCs. The machi­ne is also ide­al when space is limited.
The stand-moun­­ted dis­sol­ver offers the hig­hest appli­ca­ti­on fle­xi­bi­li­ty in com­bi­na­ti­on with an exch­an­geable tank. This makes it ide­al for avo­i­ding pro­duct car­ry-over and for fre­quent pro­duct chan­ges. The stand-moun­­ted dis­sol­ver is optio­nal­ly available with a vacu­um, oscil­la­ti­on and a scra­per, which ensu­res addi­tio­nal lar­­ge-volu­­me cir­cu­la­ti­on for pas­ty and thixo­tro­pic pro­ducts and con­ti­nuous­ly feeds mate­ri­al to the high-speed rotor.
ATEX is a widely used synonym for the ATEX directives of the European Union. ‘ATEX’ is an acronym derived from the French term ‘ATmosphères EXplosives’.
The tank dis­sol­ver is the ide­al pro­duc­tion machi­ne for indus­tri­al batch sizes of indi­vi­du­al mixed pro­ducts and main­ly auto­ma­ted processes.
The but­ter­fly mixer is con­s­truc­ted simi­lar­ly to the tank-moun­­ted and stand-moun­­ted dis­sol­vers. Due to the hig­her mixing forces, howe­ver, it is much more robust. With an exch­an­geable tank, it is ide­al for avo­i­ding pro­duct car­ry-over and fre­quent pro­duct changes. 

Tech­ni­cal data­sheet dissolver


Mul­ti-shaft mixers

  • With sta­tio­na­ry tank
  • With exch­an­geable tank

As a high­ly fle­xi­ble machi­ne, the mul­ti-shaft mixer can meet num­e­rous pro­duct-spe­ci­fic mixing requi­re­ments. This is pos­si­ble due to the use of dif­fe­rent mixing blades in com­bi­na­ti­on with the indi­vi­du­al­ly dri­ven mixing shafts.
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Mul­­ti-shaft mixer with sta­tio­na­ry tank or exch­an­geable tank

The mul­­ti-fun­c­­ti­on­al con­nec­tion of a mul­­ti-shaft mixer enables use of mul­ti­ple and even dif­fe­rent mixing blades in com­bi­na­ti­on with an anchor-shaped cen­tral scra­per. Apart from the high-speed rotor, an addi­tio­nal rotor or a screw can be used for axi­al con­vey­an­ce of the mixed product. 

For batch sizes of up to 2,500 lit­res, machi­ne with snap-in exch­an­geable tanks are available. Lar­ger bat­ches are ide­al­ly rea­li­sed with sta­tio­na­ry tanks.

ATEX is a widely used synonym for the ATEX directives of the European Union. ‘ATEX’ is an acronym derived from the French term ‘ATmosphères EXplosives’.
With a Grie­ser mul­­ti-shaft mixer, you can achie­ve a very high pro­duct qua­li­ty through optio­nal vacu­um ope­ra­ti­on with com­ple­te degas­sing of the pro­duct. We have opti­mi­sed a pro­cess that enables vacu­um feed-in below the pro­duct level. As a result, you can achie­ve fas­ter fee­ding and incor­po­ra­ti­on of the fil­ler mate­ri­als, a shorter mixing time and thus a gent­ler and more effi­ci­ent ener­gy input. At the same time, you have a hig­her pro­duct fine­n­ess: the fil­ler agglo­me­ra­tes are bro­ken up due to expan­si­on of the trap­ped air when they enter the ves­sel, so the pri­ma­ry par­tic­les are imme­dia­te­ly wetted. 

Eco­no­mic­al ope­ra­ti­on and high ope­ra­tio­nal relia­bi­li­ty make our mul­­ti-shaft mixers tech­no­lo­gi­cal­ly matu­re qua­li­ty pro­ducts with a wide ran­ge of pos­si­ble uses.


  • Sta­tio­na­ry
  • Mobi­le
  • Fil­ling and dis­pen­sing units

Extru­ders are the ide­al sup­ple­ments when mobi­le exch­an­geable tanks are used. With them, near­ly resi­due-free emp­ty­ing and loa­ding of down­stream fil­ling sys­tems is pos­si­ble. Through sepa­ra­ti­on of the mixing and the extru­si­on pro­cess, fil­ling can be done in a near­ly con­ti­nuous manner.
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Extru­ders can be sta­tio­na­ry or mobi­le and can addi­tio­nal­ly be com­bi­ned with fil­ling or dis­pen­sing systems.

Resi­­due-free emp­ty­ing is accom­plished with a pres­su­re pla­te, which can be dri­ven manu­al­ly, pneu­ma­ti­cal­ly or hydrau­li­cal­ly accor­ding to the requi­red extru­si­on pressure.

The pro­duc­tion unit can be equip­ped with any of various dis­pen­sing sys­tems as a sup­ple­ment to the extru­der or in com­bi­na­ti­on with a feed pump: volu­metric meter­ing is sui­ta­ble for medi­um- to high-vis­­co­­si­­ty, sta­ble pro­ducts for semi-auto­­ma­­tic fil­ling of cans or car­tridges. Cut-off devices or coun­­ter-pres­­su­­re devices can optio­nal­ly be used. Liquid pro­ducts are pre­fer­a­b­ly dis­pen­sed via gra­vi­me­tric meter­ing into pails, hob­bocks or drums. A sca­­le-con­­trol­­led fil­ling val­ve ensu­res pre­cise fil­ling amounts.

ATEX is a widely used synonym for the ATEX directives of the European Union. ‘ATEX’ is an acronym derived from the French term ‘ATmosphères EXplosives’.

The fol­lo­wing ver­si­ons are available:

  • For exch­an­geable tanks with side or cen­tral bot­tom discharge
  • Pro­duct dischar­ge through the press plate
  • Loo­se or enc­lo­sed seal­ing ring or spe­cial seal for high-pres­­su­­re systems
  • Tem­­pe­ra­­tu­­re-con­­trol­­led press pla­te and tank support
  • Vacu­um hood for com­ple­te­ly air-free filling
  • Varia­ble press cont­act pres­su­re or extru­si­on amount
  • Start/stop via foot switch
  • Exter­nal con­trol by sepa­ra­te fil­ling system

Tech­ni­cal data­sheet extruder

Pro­ces­sing units and accessories

  • Flui­di­s­a­ti­on tank
  • Hori­zon­tal mixer
  • Pro­ces­sing units
  • Access­ories

We deve­lop com­pre­hen­si­ve, per­fect­ly fit­ting pro­ces­sing units for your indi­vi­du­al mixing pro­ces­ses: as com­ple­te sys­tems of tech­ni­cal com­pon­ents with pro­cess design. In doing so, we take all the neces­sa­ry aspects into con­side­ra­ti­on to ensu­re that your pro­duc­tion ope­ra­ti­ons are eco­no­mic­al and sus­tainable. We gua­ran­tee opti­mal pro­cess flows, pre­cis­e­ly coor­di­na­ted con­trol sys­tems and pro­duct-based mate­ri­al selection.

With pro­cess know-how, we design and rea­li­se the com­plex pro­ces­sing unit accor­ding to your requirements.

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Flui­di­s­a­ti­on tanks, hori­zon­tal mixers, pro­ces­sing units and accessories

Use of flui­di­s­a­ti­on tanks opti­mi­ses your pro­ces­ses: The clas­sic addi­ti­on of fil­ler mate­ri­als into the mixing tanks is done from abo­ve. When the fil­lers come into cont­act with the liquid base, unwan­ted agglo­me­ra­ti­on occurs, unneces­s­a­ri­ly leng­thening the mixing pro­cess or degra­ding pro­duct qua­li­ty. Through the use of a flui­di­s­a­ti­on tank in com­bi­na­ti­on with a vacu­um sys­tem, the fil­ler mate­ri­als are fed in below the pro­duct level and imme­dia­te­ly incor­po­ra­ted by the mixing blades. This dust-free pro­cess can addi­tio­nal­ly be com­bi­ned with a fil­ler dry­ing pro­cess; via nitro­gen flui­di­s­a­ti­on any risk of mois­tu­re ingress can be ruled out.

ATEX is a widely used synonym for the ATEX directives of the European Union. ‘ATEX’ is an acronym derived from the French term ‘ATmosphères EXplosives’.

Grie­ser hori­zon­tal high-speed mixers are used for ever­y­thing from mixing dry flowing solids and wet­ting pro­ces­ses to pro­ces­sing of pas­ty, high-vis­­co­­si­­ty mate­ri­als. They can hand­le even the most dif­fi­cult bat­ches, like mixing of dif­fe­rent grain sizes and bulk den­si­ties or mixing rati­os of 1:100,000 or lower. Hori­zon­tal high-speed mixers are used for mixing, mois­tening, gra­nu­la­ting, gas injec­tion, evacua­ting, dry­ing, and acce­le­ra­ting che­mi­cal reactions.

Labo­ra­to­ry and pilot plant machines

For the ana­ly­sis and opti­mi­sa­ti­on of pro­ces­sing pro­ces­ses, mixing tri­als are car­ri­ed out in the pilot plant on sca­led-down labo­ra­to­ry machi­nes. The fin­dings gai­ned can then be trans­fer­red to pro­duc­tion-sca­le machines.
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We offer exten­si­ve access­ories, inclu­ding vacu­um sys­tems and reflux coolers.

The machi­nes are solid­ly built. They are easy to ope­ra­te and and easy to clean. For exam­p­le, our vacu­um pla­ne­ta­ry dis­sol­vers are equip­ped with infi­ni­te­ly varia­ble dri­ves and are available with various tanks.

ATEX is a widely used synonym for the ATEX directives of the European Union. ‘ATEX’ is an acronym derived from the French term ‘ATmosphères EXplosives’.

Along with your mixers, you recei­ve the cor­re­spon­ding extru­ders and dis­pen­sing units.

We can pro­vi­de you with sin­gle machi­nes or build com­ple­te sys­tems for your mixing processes.

Tech­ni­cal data­sheet high per­for­mance dissolver

Mischwerkzeuge Grieser Maschinenbau